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Network Admin and Security

At Netbox Digital we are specialists in designing, implementing and most importantly managing networks. We have an extremely dedicated and skilled team of network engineers, who will support and maintain all the crucial hardware and software that make up your infrastructure including firewalls, switches, wireless and power systems.

Through the time we have spent working with leading software vendors, we have developed comprehensive monitoring software and services, including network admin and security. This is to ensure your network is performing at its best at all times, and the monitoring also allows us to be proactive in our approach to maintenance and support.

You will be aware of how important IT security has always been for any system. The risks have increased in recent years because of the sudden and steady rise of the different social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to name the biggest ones, and so has the importance of keeping your IT systems secure. Any companies who operate online will find it vital that they have the correct strategy regarding anti-virus, spam emails and any remote access solutions.

Have you ever been the target of cyber-crime?
Criminals have become very technologically sophisticated when it comes to the software that they use, and governments have admitted that they have been involved in cyber warfare since the detection of the Stuxnet virus in 2010.

You can protect yourself and your business though, through the correct hardware and software. This can combat the threat of cybercrime to UK businesses. Don't worry if you don't know all the best systems now though, Netbox Digital can help you and guide you to the best options because of the years of experience honed working with IT security. We can advise your business on how to deal with this digital threat.